Joy Emporium Storefront

223 Second St, Eureka CA 95501

I believe that imagination is our most potent and valuable form of prayer. This is how we create, shape and birth reality. Art, movement, and bodywork are essential pathways to healing and creation. Now more than ever we need these experiences where individuals and communities can gather and focus their minds and hearts on a nourishing and sustainable present and future. My mission is to assist people in feeling whole and beautiful in their bodies just the way they are at the present moment through bodywork, movement, and visual art

Art gallery and creative movement space. Offering traditional Thai massage, yoga classes, pole dance classes, and more!

Featured Artists at the Joy Emporium

Handmade Leather Boobie Bags by Emily Chang

Watercolor Artwork by Niniane Selene

“My artwork aims to highlight the beautiful connection between humans and nature through a lens of imagination.”


Upcoming Workshops And Retreats

I host a variety of workshops throughout the month. Here are October’s offerings.

Ongoing Weekly Movement Classes

Nourish yourself with movement. I hold weekly Yoga and floor work classes with a focus on autonomy, stretch, strength, flexibility and sensuality.

In our consumer capitalist society we are taught to chase sensations, ever seeking outside of ourselves for fulfillment, purchasing contentment. In general the things being consumed have been manufactured globally at the expense of others wellbeing. I offer workshops where people learn skills that they can use again and again at little or no cost in their lives to connect with themselves and those they in turn share the knowledge with. The more we invest our focus on the present moment and where we reside we address systemic dysfunction and create positive change. This is active resilience. This is how we bloom. The following is a list of what I offer.

-Sacred geometry, Islamic geometry, Yantras and Labyrinths. Through the construction of geometry new pathways in the mind are opened that invites new perspectives and altered states of consciousness, increasing neuroplasticity and dopamine that assists in alleviating depression and cultivating community. Learning and engaging in the wisdom of India and the Middle East creates appreciation for other cultures and reorients our understanding of history and where the math and medicine we have today comes from.

-Pole dance/ floorwork. I am a pole dance instructor. This dance form increases neoroplasicicty and dopamine that assists in alleviating depression and cultivating community. I create a safe space for people to explore sensual movement. These classes are well known to directly assist people in healing from sexual trauma by cultivating empowering autonomous movement and a deep relationship with ones own body. I teach the blueprints of movements and encourage my students to explore and experience the movements in their own bodies and discover what works best for their unique anatomy while under the guidance of informed alignment.

Introduce your brand

Set your intentions every Dark Moon with Georgia Silkier at the Joy Emporium